With different safes to choose from, it’s best to take a step back before considering the merits of each. This gives you the chance to answer the first of two important questions…

What exactly do you wish to protect?

You may have a range of business or personal documents to protect. These can include the deeds to your property, family passports, birth and marriage certificates and the like. You may own valuable items of jewellery or antiques; or you may wish to keep a substantial amount of cash to hand. Knowing what needs to be protected can then lead to the second important question…

Where do you wish to locate your safe?

It may be for your home, work premises or office, perhaps in a warehouse or even storage facility. For any location, you’ll also need to consider whether it should be a free-standing safe, or one that’s fixed to the ground.

Once the picture is clear

You know what you wish to protect and the chosen location. With this knowledge, you can now move on to consider which of the four types of safe you are going to select. Here are the main points of each option…

Cash safes

These usually have a recommended cash rating, often in the range of $5,000 to $25,000. The higher the cash rating, the more your insurance company is likely to be willing to insure you for. Items to be stored often include, apart from cash, jewellery and other personal valuables. Important documents should generally not be stored in cash safes as they can lack the necessary insulation.

Fire safes

Key documents, such as those mentioned earlier, require the protection of this style of safe. However, these safes are not recommended for the storage of your valuable possessions, as they often lack the required level of protection, even if they can appear thoroughly rigid and solid.

Cash and fire safes

Offering the best of both worlds, these safes are a popular choice. These hybrids are likely to cost a bit more than either of the single options, but offer the double protection for both documents and valued items.

Drop safes

These specialised safes are popular for small businesses and other commercial enterprises. Cash is deposited in the top half and then kept safe in the bottom half. The key benefit is that when the safe is opened for deposits, it doesn’t permit already stored cash to be removed.

We hope the questions answered and options discussed here have helped you with your choice of safe. Of course, here at Assured Locksmiths and Safety Solutions, we’re happy to give obligation-free advice on such matters. You can reach us by calling (02) 4423 6680 or contact us here