Fire Safety Compliance

Fire and exit doors are vital for the fast, safe escape of occupants from a building during an emergency.

Assured Locksmiths and Security Solutions provides a range of compliance services to ensure that your business is compliant and prepared to handle a range of emergency situations.


Commercial Door Lock Regulations for Fire and Exit Doors

Fire and exit doors are vital for the fast, safe escape of occupants from a building during an emergency. They are a critical part of the fire and safety infrastructure of a building. By law there are very specific locking requirements required for Exit Doors.

The Building Codes of Australia state that personal safety takes precedence over security.

Exit Doors must comply with the following:

  • Building Code of Australia BCA D2.21 (Exit Latches)
  • Australian Standard AS1905.1 (Fire Rating)
  • Australian Standard AS1428.1 (DDA / Disabled Discrimination Act)

Exit doors, which also include Fire Doors and Path of Travel Doors can generally be identified (but not always) by an illuminated green “EXIT” sign above the door. Local councils are the authority responsible for compliance with these regulations and they require compulsory annual fire safety statements from building owners.

Assured Locksmiths and Security Solutions can perform compliance assessments of your building and provide a report of findings and recommendations of any breaches in compliance of regulations. Our highly skilled technicians can rectify these breaches and then issue you with a compliance certificate.

BCA D2.21 (Exit Latches) Compliance

  • The opening action of a lock must be a single handed downward lever action.
  • Internal knobs or turn snibs are not permitted. This provision takes into account the need for an emergency opening mechanism to be operable by people with hand or arm related disabilities, burns to their hands, with wet or perspiring hands, or the aged or frail.
  • The opening mechanism should be capable of being operated by a “nudging action” whilst dragging an injured or unconscious person to safety.
  • Key locking is not permissible on the egress side (inside) of the door. The door hardware must always provide free egress to escape thru door .
  • Only one lock per door is permissible.
  • Locks must be fitted at a height of between 900mm and 1100mm from the finished floor level

For more information follow this link to excerpt from BCA on Master Locksmiths Association Australia website.

Fire Door Hardware

Fire Door locks must be self-latching and be fire rated in accordance with AS1905.1. Fire Doors must also be fitted with an AS1905.1 fire rated automatic door closer. Neither the lock or door closer can be fitted with a hold open feature. ny additional door hardware must also be appropriately fire rated.

Lock Heights

Door lock heights on Exit Doors, Fire Doors, Path of Travel Doors, and Disabled Access Doors now have a standardised lock height of 900mm-1100mm. The exception being locks fitted in Childcare facilities, or swimming pools, which may be fitted 1500mm-1650mm high as deemed necessary.

Disability Discrimination Act Compliance (AS1428.1 DDA)

All commercially fitted doors, internal and external, including Emergency Exit Doors, must comply with DDA/AS1428.1

  • The locks must have a DDA compliant Lever handle (or push bar)
  • A distance of 35mm to 45mm between the lever handle and door face
  • A 20mm return on the end of the lever to stop the hand slipping off
  • Knobs are forbidden

*Please note that this document is to be used as a guide only.

Request a Quote

Request a free consultation from Assured Locksmiths and Security Solutions for all your fire safety compliance needs.

Complete the form below or call us today on (02) 4423 6680. Alternatively, drop into our showroom at 20 Browns Road, South Nowra. We look forward to showing you our fantastic range of products and helping you with all your security needs.

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